My first week at East Fairmont High School was very overwhelming. I felt that I was at a slight disadvantage since I have not been at this school any of my participant or tutor placements. However, the faculty was very welcoming. As my nerves calmed down, my anxiety changed to excitement.
There were no students in the building for the first two days that I spent at EFHS. It was very eye-opening to see the work that must be done before students are ready to begin the school year. Faculty Senate meetings, analyzing WESTEST scores, hundreds of new textbooks, etc... were just a few of the things done during the first two day of school.
I quickly realized how different a school looks with hundreds of students present. The first day was very overwhelming. The school day started with an assembly in the gym. As the band played the school song, the sophomores, juniors, and seniors stood up and applauded as they welcomed freshman to the school. This was unlike anything I had ever seen. I thought it was a great way to welcome the new students.
Things seemed to settle down towards the end of the week. The students were getting into the groove and so was I. I began planning for the next week, when I would begin teaching. I'm very excited to begin teaching the Algebra I classes! Hopefully all goes well.