Thursday, November 4, 2010

Week 9 Reflection

This past week went relatively well. I began my unit on functions in Algebra I. I'm continued using guided notes for this unit. I sang a popular song for the students but changed the words to talk about functions. The students loved it and begged me to dance to the song. I didn't, but it did get them interested. I am still shocked at how fast most of my students learn new material.
An issue that I am facing is my struggle with being fair to all students but using my best judgement. For example, I have a few students in my seventh period who want to leave the classroom all of the time. I know that they are not going to the restroom or getting a drink of water; they are roaming the hallways. So, I told the students that no one in my seventh period could leave the class for any reason. This didn't no become an issue until a very trustworthy, honest student asked to go to the restroom. I immediately struggled for the right answer. I knew that I could trust him and that he had done nothing wrong to deserve to not be allowed to go, but I also wasn't allowing anyone to leave the class. In the end, I did let him go. I need to realize that although I might tell one student yes and the other no, I am using my best judgement and sticking with what I think is best. Hopefully I will not dwell so much on these situations.

Week 8 Reflection

Week 8 at East Fairmont High went well. I continued my action research, which allows me to implement guided notes during direct instruction in my Algebra I classes. Monday and Tuesday we continued to lecture and complete the guided notes. I also collected a student survey that asked the students how they were feeling about the guided notes. Students seem to enjoy them. Common themes that I saw during the free response questions were that the guided notes were helping them during homework and that they were assisting the students in becoming more attentive and participating during the lectures. I am very pleased with the progress so far.
Also this week, my students completed Tech-Steps. Tech-Steps is a computer based assessment. The students were given three class periods to complete the assignment. The assignment is graded using a very elaborate rubric. The students worked very well during the assessment.
Dr. Benson was also able to come do an observation for me. I hated that it was while I was in the computer lab completing tech-steps. I would have preferred her be able to see a lesson where I was implementing my action research, but the observation went well.